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Embracing Uncertainty: The LeaderProv Way


If I say to you that your organization is moving into a space of uncertainty, how do you feel? Did you start feeling more stressed or anxious? Do you feel like your organization is under some kind of threat that cannot be easily defined? Do you think of the word opportunity? What does uncertainty mean to you?

Right now, the BDT is leaning into a world of uncertainty. For the entire summer and now September we have not been able to perform in our new location. We embraced this challenge and with the support of the Spokane Children's Theatre, we had an amazing place to perform for July and August. We had hoped to have our space ready for September but as these things go, we are not ready. Once again, we were able to find two incredible partners so we can continue to perform in September. We will be at Lumberbeard Brewing and The Grain Shed Cedar Taproom. More details will be on our website shortly. However, with all of this uncertainty, we were able to find opportunities to move us into the future.

Keeping with the style of LeaderProv, one of the first actions to take about uncertainty is to recognize that it is not only for the few to manage or be concerned about, but rather to bring everyone in an organization into the conversation. Uncertainty has become a constant companion for organizations and their players*. Traditional approaches to leadership often emphasize that leaders must maintain stability, predictability, and control while keeping uncertainty at a minimum. However, in the practice of LeaderProv, uncertainty is recognized as fertile ground for growth, creativity, and innovation. By embracing uncertainty and bringing it to all levels of an organization, organizational players can better navigate this ambiguity with courage, confidence, and adaptability.

From shifting consumer interests to technological changes to global events, uncertainty can be found in every aspect of organizational life. While uncertainty often evokes feelings of concern, fear, and discomfort, LeaderProv reframes it from being a threat to being an opportunity for asking questions, exploration, and discovery. Instead of resisting or avoiding it, players are encouraged to embrace uncertainty as a strategy for transformation.

At the core of LeaderProv is the ability to respond spontaneously and adaptively to changing circumstances. Spontaneity enables players to think on their feet, make quick decisions, and seize unexpected opportunities. Adaptability empowers players to flexibly adjust their strategies and approaches in response to evolving conditions. By cultivating spontaneity and adaptability, players become more agile and resilient in the face of uncertainty. They approach it with a sense of curiosity and openness instead of fear and resistance, allowing them to navigate complex, ambiguous situations with confidence.

Part of embracing uncertainty is for the organization to foster a culture of exploration and experimentation, where failure is viewed as a natural part of the learning process. Players set the tone by modeling vulnerability, curiosity, and resilience, which helps inspire others to embrace uncertainty with courage and enthusiasm. By creating a safe space for innovation and risk-taking, organizations unleash the creative potential of their teams and drive meaningful change.

How does uncertainty impact organizations and what does it really mean to embrace uncertainty?

Uncertainty can impact organizations across various dimensions including decision-making, strategic planning, employee behavior, and overall organizational performance.  LeaderProv, with its fusion of leadership principles and improv techniques, offers organizations a framework for navigating uncertainty. By embracing the core tenets of LeaderProv, organizations can enhance their ability to manage uncertainty across the aforementioned dimensions.

LeaderProv can help improve decision-making in ambiguous situations or environments. By encouraging organizations to embrace spontaneity and adaptability, LeaderProv encourages players to think on their feet and remain adaptable in the face of uncertainty. The improv mindset of "Yes, And" allows people to consider multiple perspectives and build on ideas, enabling better decision-making. During these times of uncertainty, LeaderProv also encourages the taking of calculated risks that can move organizations to capitalize on opportunities rather than being overly cautious. These approaches help organizations move forward even when the path is unclear, avoiding decision paralysis.

One organizational weakness is when strategic plans are written and seen as being rigid, long-term solutions, which prevents the plans from being adaptable during times of uncertainty. LeaderProv puts the emphasis on being in the moment and allows for flexible and adaptable strategic planning processes. Through these processes, strategic plans are continuously evaluated and updated based on real-time feedback and emerging trends. As plans are adapted, organizations can remain nimble, rapidly adjusting strategies to stay relevant and continue to be successful.

Uncertainty can often lead to the fraying of relationships and the shut down of open communication as people are unsure of the answers or what is happening next. LeaderProv builds on relationships that encourage open communication, collaboration, and trust. This focus on relationships, strengthens team cohesion, psychological safety, and resilience. During times of ambiguity, relationships can become stronger, supportive, and improve productivity.

LeaderProv focuses on novel thinking (see other blog) which encourages approaching challenges with creativity. Sometimes in uncertain times, people hunker down and stick with what they know well. This approach can lead to stagnation and the failure to pivot to new opportunities. By seeing uncertainty as an opportunity and tapping into the creative potential of all players, unconventional ideas and approaches can be explored leading to growth.

Storytelling is a key tool in uncertain times when players, customers, stakeholders, or others become confused about the organization and how it can weather these difficult times. Effective storytelling can help communicate complex issues to maintain trust and confidence in the organization. Compelling narratives create a sense of shared meaning that can help all stakeholders minimize their stress and focus everyone on organizational success.


Uncertainty is not an obstacle to be overcome but a path to be followed. LeaderProv invites organizational players to step into the unknown, prepared with spontaneity, adaptability, and a spirit of exploration to remain resilient in the face of unpredictable challenges. By embracing uncertainty as a catalyst for growth and innovation, players can unlock new possibilities, inspire teams, and shape a future filled with promise and potential. Embracing uncertainty turns it into a strategic advantage that leads to long-term success. 


*Remember, we use organizational players or just players to refer to everyone in an organization whether in a formal leadership role or not.

If you are interested in learning more about LeaderProv and how we can bring it to your organization, contact us at or 509-747-7045.

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